Fractional Leadership for

Product, Tech & Growth

We help founders and leaders to shape, ship and grow tech-products that are better, scalable, and aligned with customer needs.

When do startups need us?​

Filling the gaps

To fill skill gaps in leadership or team

Startups often struggle with limited resources and may lack the necessary expertise in their leadership team or overall staff. Fractional leadership fills these skill gaps, offering strategic guidance and expertise without the commitment of a full-time hire.

Experts' guidance in strategy & execution of special projects

Special projects often require specific skills or strategic direction that may not be available internally. Fractional leadership provides guidance and support in executing these projects, ensuring they are completed successfully and in line with the startup's overall strategy.

Difficulty in finding the ideal candidate

Hiring the right candidate for a full-time leadership role can be challenging, especially for startups. Fractional leaders are easy to reach and can join immediately, allowing startups to benefit from their expertise while continuing the search for a permanent hire.

Struggling to grow

Uncover hidden growth opportunities

Startups may struggle to identify and capitalize on hidden growth opportunities due to limited resources or expertise. Fractional leadership can provide fresh perspectives and industry insights, helping startups uncover and exploit these opportunities for growth.

Strategically pivot to reignite growth during stagnation

Stagnation or slow growth can be a challenging time for startups, requiring strategic pivots to reignite growth. Fractional leadership can provide the strategic guidance and expertise needed to navigate these transitions successfully, ensuring the startup emerges stronger and more competitive.

Explore untapped markets with existing products

Expanding into new markets with an existing product can be daunting. Fractional leadership can help startups explore and enter untapped markets, leveraging their expertise in market analysis and strategic planning to drive successful expansion.

Reassessing growth strategy

As startups grow, their growth strategy needs to evolve to remain effective. Fractional leadership can provide the expertise needed to reassess and adjust the growth strategy, ensuring it remains aligned with market trends and business goals.

Preparing for the future

Revisit product vision & strategy

Startups may need to revisit their product vision and strategy to ensure continued relevance and success. Fractional leadership can provide the expertise needed to evaluate and refine the product vision and strategy, driving innovation and growth.

Establishing scalable product, tech & growth operations

Scaling operations across product, technology, and growth can be complex due to factors like organization structure, technology challenges, market dynamics, etc. Fractional leadership aids startups in scaling operations by providing strategic planning, operational efficiency improvements, resource management, organizational development, technology implementation guidance, market expansion strategies, and a focus on maintaining strong customer experience.

Expansion to international markets

Expanding into international markets requires careful planning and execution, considering factors like cultural differences, regulatory compliance, and logistical challenges. Fractional leaders play a crucial role in assisting startups with market research, entry strategy, local partnerships, brand adaptation, risk management, financial planning, and compliance.

What do we deliver to startups?

Product vision & strategy

Long-term goals and direction for the product, outlining how it will meet user needs and achieve business objectives.

Go-to-market strategy

A plan for launching the product, including target markets, pricing, distribution channels, and promotional tactics.

Product positioning & roadmap

Product’s unique value proposition and a roadmap that outlines key milestones and features to be developed over time.

Resource planning & team building

Resources, skills, and team structure needed to execute the product strategy effectively.

Tools for organizational operations

Implementation of tools and processes to streamline internal operations, improve collaboration, and enhance efficiency.

Trackable performance metrics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the product and track progress towards goals.

Tech stack recommendations

Best technologies and frameworks to use for developing the product, based on its requirements and scalability needs.

Technical due diligence

Assessment of the technical aspects of the product, including its architecture, code quality, and scalability for potential risks.

Why choose fractional leadership?

Expertise at a fraction of the cost

Zero-equity arrangement​

Flexible and scalable​

Fixed pricing, no commitments

Fresh eyes on existing problems

Lasting impact, brief engagement

Less risk, more confidence

Save hiring time

Faster deliveries

Who are we?

Tech, Product, Growth

Frequently Asked Questions

Fractional leadership-as-a-service provides part-time executive leadership to businesses, offering expertise in areas like product, technology, and growth on a flexible basis.
Hiring a fractional leader provides cost-effective, specialized expertise, flexibility, immediate impact, no long-term commitment, objective perspective, and strategic focus.
Hire fractional leaders in following scenarios:
  1. When establishing a new function or department within your organization.
  2. When you need specialized expertise for a specific project or initiative.
  3. When you require executive-level guidance but don’t need a full-time commitment.
  4. During periods of growth or transition, to supplement existing leadership.
  5. When seeking cost-effective solutions for leadership needs.
  6. When you want to test a new leadership role or function before committing to a full-time hire.
  7. When you need a fresh perspective or outside expertise to drive innovation or solve a specific problem.
  8. When you need to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of a specific department or function within your organization.
  9. When you want to access a broader network of industry contacts and expertise than your current leadership team can provide.
Do not hire fractional leaders in following scenarios:
  1. If your company culture is not conducive to working with external consultants.
  2. If the cost of hiring fractional leaders is a major concern rather than focusing on outcomes and results.
  3. If your organization is in a sensitive or critical stage where continuity and long-term commitment are essential.
  4. If your organization requires a full-time executive presence for stability or strategic reasons.
  5. If you are not prepared to fully leverage the expertise and experience of a fractional leader, leading to underutilization of their skills.
  6. If your company is in a highly regulated industry where continuity and compliance are critical, requiring a full-time executive presence.

No, hiring a fractional leader is not the same as hiring an interim leader. While both roles involve temporary leadership, there are key differences in their scope and purpose:

  1. Time Commitment: Interim leaders are typically hired on a full-time basis for a specific period to fill a gap in leadership, often during a transition or crisis. In contrast, fractional leaders work part-time, providing ongoing support and expertise over an extended period.

  2. Focus: Interim leaders are often brought in to stabilize a situation or lead a specific project until a permanent replacement is found. Fractional leaders, on the other hand, focus on providing strategic guidance and expertise in a specific area, such as product development or growth, on an ongoing basis.

  3. Integration: Interim leaders are expected to integrate fully into the organization and take on the responsibilities of a permanent leader. Fractional leaders, while providing valuable insights and guidance, may not be as deeply integrated into the organization’s day-to-day operations.

  4. Long-Term vs. Short-Term: Interim leaders are typically a short-term solution, with a specific end date in mind. Fractional leaders, on the other hand, can provide long-term, sustainable support and expertise to help the organization achieve its goals over time.

Following advantages are there when hiring a fractional leader over an agency:

  1. Depth of Experience: Fractional leaders often bring years of industry experience and a proven track record of success, providing a level of expertise that may exceed what an agency can offer.

  2. Direct Communication: Working with a fractional leader allows for direct and clear communication, fostering a more collaborative and efficient working relationship compared to navigating communication channels within an agency.

  3. Adaptability: Fractional leaders can adapt quickly to changes in your business environment or strategy, providing agile leadership that responds to evolving needs.

  4. Focused Strategy: Fractional leaders can develop and implement a focused strategy tailored to your specific business goals, without the need to conform to a standard agency approach.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: While agencies often come with overhead costs, such as agency fees and markups on services, fractional leaders typically offer a more cost-effective solution due to their direct engagement without agency overhead.

  6. Accountability: Fractional leaders often take on more responsibility and accountability for the outcomes of their work compared to agencies.

  7. Access to a Network: Fractional leaders often have a network of contacts and resources that can benefit your business, providing access to potential partners, customers, or talent.

  8. Knowledge Transfer: Working closely with a fractional leader can facilitate knowledge transfer within your organization, helping to build internal capabilities and expertise over time.

Responsibilities of a fractional CPO includes:

  1. Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Define and oversee the development of the MVP, ensuring that it addresses the core needs of the target market and aligns with the overall product strategy.

  2. Proposition Framing: Clearly define the value proposition of the product, including its unique selling points and competitive advantages, to guide product development and marketing efforts.

  3. Strategy & Planning: Develop and communicate a clear product strategy and roadmap, aligning it with the company’s business goals and market opportunities.

  4. Product Discovery: Conduct product discovery activities, such as user interviews, market research, and competitor analysis, to identify opportunities for product innovation and differentiation.

  5. Product Research: Continuously gather and analyze data related to user behavior, market trends, and competitive landscape to inform product decisions and prioritize features.

  6. Pricing Pivot Planning: Develop and implement pricing strategies that maximize the value of the product while remaining competitive in the market, including pricing experiments and adjustments based on market feedback.

  7. Product Roadmap: Create and maintain a product roadmap that outlines the planned features and enhancements, prioritized based on customer needs, market trends, and business objectives.

Responsibilities of a fractional CTO includes:

  1. Scalable Architecture: Design and implement scalable and reliable architecture solutions that support the long-term growth and scalability of the product or technology platform.

  2. Execution Strategy: Develop and execute a technology strategy that aligns with the company’s business goals and enables the efficient delivery of products or services.

  3. Tech Stack Transition: Lead the transition to new technologies or tech stacks, ensuring a smooth migration process and minimal disruption to operations.

  4. Solution Advisory: Provide expert advice and guidance on technology solutions, helping to identify and implement the best approaches to meet business requirements.

  5. Team Building: Build and lead a high-performing technology team, including recruiting, training, and mentoring team members to ensure they have the skills and resources needed to succeed.

  6. Resource Planning: Plan and manage technology resources, including budgeting, forecasting, and resource allocation, to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Responsibilities of a fractional CGO includes:

  1. Go-to-Market Strategy: Develop and execute a go-to-market strategy that effectively launches new products or services and drives growth in target markets.

  2. Product-Led Growth: Drive product-led growth initiatives that leverage the product itself as a primary driver of customer acquisition, retention, and expansion.

  3. Organic Growth: Develop and implement strategies to drive organic growth, including content marketing, social media engagement, and search engine optimization (SEO).

  4. Viral Loops: Implement viral loops and referral programs that encourage customers to refer others to the product or service, leading to exponential growth.

  5. Influencer Marketing: Identify and engage with influencers who can help promote the product or service to their followers, increasing brand awareness and driving customer acquisition.

  6. Social Media Marketing (SMM): Develop and execute social media marketing campaigns that engage target audiences and drive traffic and conversions.

  7. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Manage SEM campaigns to increase visibility and drive traffic from search engines.

  8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Develop and implement SEO strategies to improve the website’s visibility in search engine results pages and drive organic traffic.
The cost of hiring a fractional executive varies depending on the duration of the contract and the scope of the engagement. Typically, it is more cost-effective than hiring a full-time executive.

Still have doubts?

Schedule a free call to learn how we can help!